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Plenty of mileage from rally


First, the phone rang and it was my daughter, Holly, who lives in Carlsbad, Calif.

“I just saw something on CNN about some rally happening in Fountain Hills. What’s going on?” she asked.

I told her that it was a rally for Donald Trump.

She is not a political person, and her response was expected.

“Oh, that,” she said.

I no sooner hung up the phone, when it rang again. It was Diane’s oldest daughter, Tammy, who lives in New Jersey. She basically said the same thing.

Then, the phone rang a third time and Diane answered. It was our grandson, Hunter. He works part-time at a country club after school in West Orange, New Jersey. Hey, Gramma, I’m looking at the fountain on television here at work. This is pretty cool.”

There you have it, our Bi-Coastal grandchildren all saw Fountain Hills on television for a significant amount of time.

I’ll bet many of you had similar experiences. Now that’s publicity you can’t begin to buy.

Hat’s off to the three residents who are responsible for bringing the Trump Campaign to Fountain Hills. They are Realtor Phyllis Kern; Gary Lvov, manager of the Lexington Hotel; and Lina Bellenir, who works with Lvov and is a former town council candidate.

They must be breathing a sigh of relief now that it is over, imagine if there had been a different outcome. It could have easily happened, considering what has happened at other Trump rallies between protestors and supporters.

Everyone seemed well- behaved.

A lot of the credit for that goes to the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. They looked professional and thoroughly trained. They handled the two roadblock situations on Shea very well. I’m sure having the body cams on their goggles and sunglasses kept many of the protestors at bay. From what I saw on the news, most of the Sheriff’s deputies were talking their way through different situations in a calm and professional voice tone. Again, I’m sure that made a difference.

They had several helicopters flying around. One of them must have had an eye on me. It was approaching my house, heading south. I was standing behind a tall palm tree along Saguaro Boulevard, mainly for shade. I was awaiting the Trump motorcade to take a picture. The helicopter immediately slowed down and swung around as if to get a better view of that guy standing behind the palm tree to make sure I wasn’t carrying a weapon.

I suddenly got this nervous feeling thinking what if they mistake my camera for a weapon.

I made no sudden movements.

I probably imagined the whole scenario, but they could have spotted me and checked it out. They seemed to be that thorough.


I see Dos Equis Mexican beer has dumped the actor they call “the most interesting man in the world.”

His name is Jonathan Goldsmith, a 77-year-old gray-haired spokesman with a beard and a very distinguished appearance.

He’s usually seen sitting at a table with a group of women uttering the beer’s slogan, “Stay thirsty my friends.”

The ad campaign has been running for nearly 10 years.

I always thought Jerry Miles could play the role. He has the beard and the distinguished look.

I’ve been to some parties at the former mayor’s home where the drinks never stopped flowing. I think he’s easily the “most interesting man in Fountain Hills.” But then again, there’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio. But he needs to grow a beard to be considered.