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Grosso: Questioning referendum process was shameful


Arizona has a strong history of the initiative and referendum process which enables its citizens to truly demonstrate what the phrase "we the people" signifies. It gives us the right to put an issue before the electorate that either supports or rejects what our elected officials have decided.

In a shameful show of disrespect for this process, there were Town Council members accusing citizens of willful deception in collecting signatures for the Target Plaza rezone at the Feb. 6 council meeting. This was parroted by Betsy LaVoie of the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce. They actually called for people who willfully signed the petition to contact them if they were “deceived” and wanted their signature removed. It appeared this was a deliberate attempt to undermine our right to collect signatures.

I personally know several of the people who are collecting signatures. They are not deceiving anyone. They present the issue and ask if you wish to have this voted on by the residents of Fountain Hills – nothing more. If you support the decision or not, it is up to you to put it before the voters or not.

I lost a great deal of respect for those on the Town Council who would put forth such nonsense while at the same time having to listen to personal attacks on one of the signature collectors.

This is democracy at work. As an elected official, if you don't like it or support it, then you have no business representing the people.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.