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Lloyd: Let’s support the FHUSD bond


There is so much bipartisan support for and information about the FHUSD school bond proposal, that it’s a mystery why there are residents who still oppose it. 

I’ve attended many of the 45-minute, fact-filled information sessions by our new superintendent, Cain Jagodzinski, who is working tirelessly with his team to keep moving our schools forward. The multitude of supporters of this bond include the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, area realtors, parents and grandparents, and business and residential owners. 

The bond money will be used not only for maintaining our aging buildings and enhancing security, but also to improve academic and sports offerings that will retain and attract students. To top it off, strong schools are known to improve property values. 

If you are a registered voter, you should have received a ballot in the mail in early October. Vote yes for the FHUSD school bond, then drop off your ballot by Nov. 7. 

Let’s keep Fountain Hills the great town we all know it to be!