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Savage: Local controversy a distraction from national movement


The politics of personal destruction continues with letters, presumably from Democrats, critical of Councilman Skillicorn and mayoral candidate Joe Arpaio.

For the ethics charges against Skillicorn, I think he is correct to elevate this as a First Amendment issue to a court of law. A similar situation is happening in Michigan where the Democrat majority in the legislature is denying their Republican counterparts the right to speak out against matters being considered (thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/exclusive-gop-mich-state-rep-sues-legislature-alleges)/. No government body can outlaw speech of any citizen, especially that of an elected official. Even outright lies are allowed in our House of Representatives; example, Adam Schiff.

As for the letter denigrating Joe Arpaio, he is too much of a threat to Mayor Dickey in the next election, so the attack begins. He refused to concede the 2022 election after seeing the fraudulent activities of Maricopa County election officials. Who can blame him? I suspect that he sees the bigger picture as I describe below.

While there is a lot of controversy on these two situations, I believe that they are a distraction from the much more consequential movement now underway, the destruction of our Republic by Democrats. Their most obvious subversive activity is the influx of illegal migrants, and their distribution into American cities with free debit cards and documentation allowing them to obtain benefits denied to American citizens.

Many other examples of subversive activities can be given, which can all be traced to Democrats. This is what they don't want people to realize because when they figure it out there is no way they would vote for any of them.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.