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Schweers: Trump’s hold on Republican party is chilling


If today’s America were a movie, it would be totally unbelievable, tragically over the top.

The leading presidential candidate for the Republican party is twice impeached and currently under indictment for 91 crimes in four different jurisdictions; crimes well documented and involving insurrection against our government and mishandling of highly classified nuclear documents. Amazingly, he’s allowed to run for president of the same country he tried to overthrow. But, instead of being anxious to prove his innocence, he’s used every means possible to postpone the trials until after the election and avoided testifying under oath; neither actions of an innocent person.

His rallies are filled with promises to dismantle our Justice Department, using it to exact retribution against his enemies, and rants spewing utter nonsense like “I will make America great again and we’ll call it the United States of America” or “I just discovered that ‘us’ spells U.S.”  He considers everyone who’s not for him to be evil, demonic, deep-state, and portrays himself as our savior, yet also a victim needing our money! While obviously consumed by rage and desire for total power, his rhetoric indicates he could be dealing with psychological problems and mental confusion.

He has frequently praised many violent, autocratic leaders and even the terrorist group Hezbollah, making him unqualified to lead our democracy or save us. On the contrary, he’s put so many of us under grave danger with his inflammatory rhetoric, posted at all hours of the night, which has revived latent hatreds and prejudices, bringing white supremacists out from under their rocks and making antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-government, anti-black, brown, and LGBTQ beliefs and acts totally acceptable if not desirable. Utterly chilling!

Trump puts our freedoms, lives, democracy and world in great peril. It’s imperative that everyone vote blue to defeat him and all MAGA minions.