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Earth Day


As picturesque Fountain Hills celebrates the 50-year anniversary of our treasured Fountain within the magnificent green space of Fountain Park, this year is also a 50-year anniversary of extreme significance: Earth Day.

As our planet faces crises as documented by the greatest scientific minds, I hope you will join me and others on April 18-19 to become an environmental steward and work toward leaving a positive legacy for the generations who’ll inherit what we leave behind.

On the weekend of April 18-19, to show support for Mother Earth, we’ll be launching a healthy, fun and virtual event, which will be registered at EarthDay.org. This three-pronged effort includes:

*Walking a distance of your choice, enjoying the outdoors and appreciating nature.

*Picking up any trash in the community along your route and properly disposing of it.

*Making a donation to an environmental and/or wildlife protection organization of your choice. Just some examples of organizations doing great things include Sierra Club, Center for Biological Diversity, Natural Resources Defense Council, Environmental Defense Action Fund, Earthworks, Earthjustice, Marine Mammal Center, Animal Welfare Institute and Humane Society International.

My fellow Humane Society of the United States – Arizona State Council colleagues will join me in walking 25 miles for a total of 50 to commemorate both anniversaries, starting at our Fountain Park Fountain and collecting trash along our route. But whether you participate over one mile or one block — alone or with a human or canine companion — you’ll make a difference.

The first Earth Day launched on April 22, 1970. On this 50th anniversary, during challenging times, consider being a leader for Mother Earth and make the environment an important consideration when you vote in your municipal, state and federal elections.