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Pine Tree Flag


This is an open letter to Councilman Skillicorn. On July 24, 2023, you posted to your Facebook page, Allen Skillicorn for Fountain Hills, a photo of you and seven other men holding what is known as the Pine Tree Flag, a white flag printed with a bright green pine tree and the words “An Appeal to Heaven.” Immediately, I was perplexed. Why did my Town Councilmember post this to his Facebook page?

So, I did some research. Matt Taylor, Protestant scholar at the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies, founded 1987 (icjs.org), explains that, although the flag has become a Christian Nationalism symbol, when people are questioned about it they can say it’s a reference to George Washington or American history, which it was originally. He calls the current usage of the flag “a coy symbol.”

But we're just a small town needing funds for road repairs. How does Christian Nationalism, the belief that Christians must fight to take back America from non-Christians, (wisconsinexaminer.com/2023/01/13/rep-grothman-displays-christian-nationalist-flag-outside-congressional-office/) connect to Fountain Hills? Then I discover on Religious News Service a 2021 article (religionnews.com/2021/01/12/the-faith-of-the-insurrectionists/), quoting Andrew Whitehead, co-author of the book “Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States.” He explains that “Christian nationalism really tends to draw on kind of an Old Testament narrative, a kind of blood purity and violence where the Christian nation needs to be defended against the outsiders."

Well, Mr. Skillicorn, I give up. What does your posting of the Pine Tree Flag on Allen Skillicorn for Fountain Hills have to do with Fountain Hills?