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Brant: The silent majority welcomes the results of the current council


Some of the most adamant preachers that profess that local elections are non-partisan are the same little band that criticizes every breath the Conservative council members make. You will also note that those same redundant individuals break the Fountain Hills Times Independent Civility Pledge nearly every week by badgering the Conservative representatives inanely at council meetings and on the pages of this paper.

The organized little band of left-wing negativity continues to have their letters accepted in print but aren’t willing to offer their own names for the ballot. Certainly, the Town Council needed a shake-up and the results over the last year and a half have been welcomed by the silent majority of our town.

Large chunks of money have been saved by reducing previous unnecessary spending and the savings have been allocated to the essentials, particularly to road repairs. There is still more to be done and that will come with a change of leadership at the top, along with the election of three more quality Conservative council folk.

A good start would be negotiating a better deal for the town with the new Sheriff’s Department. With the change of personnel in 2022 the council has become pro-small business, which has been popular with not only the town’s majority party, the Republicans, but registered Independents, too. These same Conservative council members have worked on behalf of the townsfolk to reign in the abuse of the commercial sober living homes.

A final comment on the little band of Democrat writers, they remind me of the tiny Pekingese who is forever yapping at the feet of German Shepherds or Great Danes and is being totally ignored. I think that after our air has been invested with the monotonous, vindictive, accusations enough times, we too should blank them out.

Editor’s note: While Independent Newsmedia invites readers to take the Civility Pledge and adhere to its guidelines in order to encourage respectful discussion and debate, it is not mandatory for consideration of publication. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.