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Keyword: engineers

Fountain Hills town engineer leads ceremony at …

The Town of Fountain Hills Engineer David A. Janover, PE, will perform an Order of the Engineer Ceremony at the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) National Conference on Aug. 8. …

Update on Saguaro Boulevard planning

It has been nine months since voters approved an $8.2 million bond to fund the reconstruction of Saguaro Boulevard, and now the design work is roughly 60 percent complete and on track for …

RV Fire District budget $2.5 million

Facing both expected and unexpected steep increases in insurance costs, the Rio Verde Fire District was challenged to prepare a budget that doesn’t increase the tax levy for the coming fiscal …

Town buys fire engine

The Town Council May 2 approved $500,728 for a new fire engine for the Fountain Hills Fire Department. The contract was awarded to Crimson Fire, Inc. of South Dakota. The new pumper will replace …