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Keyword: ken buchanan

Town has $44.8 million budget plan on table

The public got its first chance to comment on a $44.8 million budget proposal for the Town of Fountain Hills last week, and while there was little in the way of public comment, Town Manager Ken …

Proposed town budget totals $44.5 million

The Town of Fountain Hills will be unveiling its proposed 2014-15 fiscal year budget to the public this week during an open house session prior to the regular Town Council meeting Thursday, April …

PSAC to help with fire station site evaluation

Shea The town’s Public Safety Advisory Commission will assist the Town Council by making a recommendation on the selection of a site for relocating Fire Station No. 2. Town Manager Ken Buchanan …

Economic development challenge

The Town of Fountain Hills has a vision for economic development – a plan adopted by the Town Council earlier this year provides the blueprint – and as the economy improves it is hoped this will …

Roberts named FH fire chief

Rural/Metro Fire Department announced last week Randy Roberts has been named to replace the late Scott LaGreca as fire chief for Fountain Hills. Roberts said he is pleased to have this opportunity …

Town will file in water rate case

Water Times, May 22, 2013 Bob The Town Council has given staff the go ahead to file with the Arizona Corporation Commission as an intervenor for the water rate increase being proposed by …

Economic development focuses on jobs

The Town Council showed it is ready to move on a proposed economic development plan by approving the proposal unexpectedly at its March 21 meeting. The plan’s main goal is to attract new …