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Earle: Responding to letter from Beth Culp


In the spirit of respect and civility, I ask that you get to know me before describing me as you did in your letter on May 3.

Although we have never met, we have never had a conversation, you have never reached out to me personally for any reason whatsoever, I extend this invitation to start a peaceful dialogue and find common ground.

We could possibly have things in common, but you won’t know that unless we have a personal one-on-one conversation, preferably face-to-face, which I would be happy to have. I doubt we will agree on everything, but I bet we could find some common ground to build on.

It’s time for our town to heal. Let’s stop the divisiveness and have meaningful civil conversations with each other.

Editor’s note: Gayle Earle is a candidate for town council. While candidates are not eligible to submit letters during the election season, they are allowed to directly respond to statements made about them in other letters. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.