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Couture: Don’t sign the petition on Target center apartments


They’re at it again. Did they fool you into signing their petition to require a vote for the proposed Target apartments? If so, you may want to email the Town Clerk to request deletion of your signature. Some are getting signatures using false information.

First, they claim the issue was “hidden from the town.” No, it has been on agendas – studied for months. Town employees, Planning and Zoning, the Chamber and Town Council have known about it and studied it, too. The issue was discussed with citizens during a five-hour council meeting, and residents sent in over 145 positive comment cards. It passed.

 It’s true Planning and Zoning at first voted against construction, after being exhaustingly and loudly lobbied by those who oppose the project. 

Second, they claim this election will not cost anything. Elections cost money.

Third, they claim stopping this apartment development will have no effect on the Target store. The effect it will have is that the increased commerce might keep our Target store open. And putting off groundbreaking until after the August election will put the developers months and months behind, costing them money and perhaps dissuading them from building here.

For years, citizens have asked for something to happen to rid us of empty storefronts. This development will do that. Have you seen the mixed-use apartments built by Kohls and Walmart? They absolutely have vitalized that area and brought in new business.

Once again, some among us – who were against building Target years ago, against single trash haulers, against our terrific little hospital, against funding road improvements and against the school safety bond – are messing where they don’t belong. Please tune out their irrational voices. Don’t sign the petition.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.