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Culp: Friedel’s actions make him unfit to be our mayor


On June 6, just six days after the closing arguments were submitted, Judge Frank Moskowitz, the judge assigned to the action, “Reclaim Our Town, et al. v. Ginny Dickey, et al.,” issued a ruling in favor of the town, the individual defendants and the developer. 

The lawsuit will be dismissed after the defendants’ lawyers submit a proposed form of judgment to be reviewed and signed by the judge. This sorry chapter in our town’s history will end unless ROT (Reclaim Our Town) files a motion to reconsider or appeals.

ROT failed the residents who supported the referendum by circulating petition sheets that were not properly numbered. ROT then attempted to shift the blame to the town clerk, resulting in unfounded rumors of a conspiracy between representatives of the town and the developers to defeat the referendum. 

Considering the court’s apparent ease in ruling against ROT’s lawsuit, it is even more troubling that three of the members of the Fountain Hills Town Council – Gerry Friedel, Allen Skillicorn and Hannah Toth – voted in favor of directing the town attorney to stop defending the litigation.

Friedel’s vote in favor of a resolution, which would have resulted in an admission that the town and the town clerk acted illegally, should disqualify him from serving as our mayor.

How could any employee trust Friedel after his support of the resolution, coupled with his refusal to sanction Skillicorn for “chasing down” the town code enforcement officer?

Friedel has demonstrated a lack of integrity, loyalty and commitment to the town’s staff and employees. He has shown that he is prepared to sacrifice their reputation and safety if he believes it is in his political interest to do so.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.