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Friedel: Responding to Schanus-Gohl’s letter


In response to a recent opinion piece by Kathy Schanus-Gohl, I did request an executive session for a recent ethics violation. In reading our Code of Procedure, it clearly states that any ethics complaints will be dealt with by the town attorney setting up an executive session to discuss the ramifications of any ethics complaints. I felt this being in the regular agenda was clearly in violation of our code. It is also fact that executive sessions are for legal advice and personnel issues. I am for full transparency and we have had many executive sessions that have dealt with items I feel are outside the scope of executive session meetings.

Editor’s note: Gerry Friedel is a candidate for mayor. While candidates are not eligible to submit letters during the election season, they are allowed to directly respond to statements made about them in other letters. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.