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James: These negative campaign signs are ridiculous


These ROT signs scattered about are disgusting and reflect directly and poorly on the town and residents. They also have the distinction of being the only negative campaign signs I've seen in the Valley, but they're misleading, too.  

“Leftist ruin towns" is one of their favorites. News Flash: “Leftists” have been mayors and council members since the town came into existence and who have taken part, throughout these years, in guiding this town to be the best and most fiscally responsible it can be. Now that ROT has bestowed a name on some of our citizens, they're going to ruin the town if we elect them?

The mayor’s agenda is not your agenda? The mayor is a 40-plus year resident who raised her family and sent her children to school here. She has volunteered and otherwise served the town throughout those decades, even while working full-time back in the day. Her agenda is, and is proven to be, to do what is best for the town. Is that not your agenda? Mayor and council member ideas must ultimately be approved by the council.

The mayor wastes your money? Attend a council meeting or watch the budget process on YouTube. There is no spending that is not voted on and approved by the council.

 The mayor supports potholes? Just makes me shake my head. The town for years and years has been trying to address the street maintenance with citizen commissions, street technical surveys, and it always comes down to funding. Review the latest council meeting and how they used hard data and citizen input to plan and schedule the next year's work.

 Ignore the scare messaging and join me in a vote for Dickey, McMahon, Corey and Male. They support the town's path forward.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.