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Moral stupor


Many kudos to the three courageous, brave souls who wrote last week against the wretchedly bad bestiality subject, which had appeared the week before.

They are Diane Belanger, Reece Stigler and Pastor Tony Pierce.

The opinions editor will stop at nothing to print whatever, if he thinks it will increase sales. Where does that end and “yellow journalism” begin?

While we’re at the blame-game, why are the local Ministerial Associations quiet? I also add the Jewish congregations in town, as the topic of B......comes from the Old Testament and not found in the New: Exodus 22:19, “Whoever lieth carnally with a beast shall surely be put to death” (The Amplified Bible).

Fountain Hills people of faith, we need to pray, like the Prophet Isaiah pleaded, “Lord, wake us from our spiritual stupor!”

America was built on a strong Judeo-Christian moral code. Let’s get back on track!