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Schweers: Enough with manufactured fear and division


Haven’t we all had enough of manufactured fear, anger, division, lying and blaming certain groups?

I agree with Kamala! It’s time to turn the page and move toward a future where we all live together in peace, with everyone's rights and differences respected while also enforcing law and order and accountability for illegal actions taken. Democracy must be upheld and voting, not violence, must be the way to make our wishes known.

I’ve been horrified to see the un-factual, demeaning signs attacking Mayor Ginny Dickey as being “dishonest,” “wasteful,” and supportive of “dense housing.” In a small, close-knit town like Fountain Hills, why is there such disrespect and hostility? Why can’t candidates, in this non-partisan race, stick to what they’ll do for us instead of tearing others down?

In true MAGA fashion, these individuals have used denigration of our wonderful town (one of the safest and most beautiful in the nation) as deteriorating, overrun by crime and homelessness, all caused by Mayor Dickey, and they’ll fix it. There’s nothing to fix except properly funding our schools and the necessary maintenance of our infrastructure.

Mayor Dickey’s done an amazing job of stretching our very thin budget to meet our needs. For such a wealthy town, we’re the most poorly funded of any area town, yet some continually vote down any funding efforts.

We should be proud of our town, our amazing Dark Sky project, our incredible assortment of art and sculptures, our efforts to save the Target center providing much-needed housing, and so forth. Please re-elect Ginny Dickey and Peggy McMahon to ensure continued good governance. Don’t let ROT candidates turn us into a hate-filled, divided town looking backward in fear. Let’s join hands and move forward with joy and wonderful, new possibilities. Let’s lift each other up, not push others down!

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.