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James: Who does Friedel really represent?


During a recent interview, mayoral candidate Gerry Friedel said Fountain Hills needs a change and that he will represent the people.

Will he only represent a select group of constituents? The ones who fear and disdain the LGBTQ community, or those who believe Democrats hate America, or those who ridicule others of different faiths? 

Friedel has already revealed his inability to handle serious situations or criticism. He prepared handouts for a council meeting that I feel bullied and vilified a resident. This was a premeditated attack, on video, apparently because she dared to challenge him. 

Friedel lacked the maturity and critical skills to defend the town and the town clerk against ROT and their spurious accusations about ROT’s fatally flawed petitions. Found to be untrue in court, ROT must pay the town’s, aka taxpayers', expenses needed to indulge their nonsense.

When Councilman Skillicorn was found guilty of ethics violations in his treatment of staff, Friedel refused to face his responsibility to take action. He shrank away under the guise of his personal attorney's advice.

Fountain Hills is suffering under constant reputation-killing attention due to the ROT/Friedel connection. Let's stop this destructive trend.

Re-elect Mayor Ginny Dickey, our committed, calm, positive leader for more than four decades.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.