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Somo: Signs are getting out of control


To absolutely not quote Shakespeare, “Now is the summer of our discontent (with political signs) made worse by the proliferation of Arpaio campaign signs.” Seriously, is it really necessary to pile five to nine signs in a row all along the most traveled streets of the East Valley?

He doesn’t seem to be attuned to the issues, as he showed at the mayor candidate forum, since he offered no real solutions to any problems and no vision for the future of our town.

The sign problem is made even worse by the ROT PAC. Two years ago, their signs were despicable and clearly offended many, but they’re recycling the same signs again.

I am so thankful that our scenic, beautiful town has an iron-clad sign ordinance protecting us from the eyesore “corner blitz” displayed on the Beeline and west into Scottsdale. Arpaio has nine signs east of town in a space of less than 45 yards, more than 20 from our west-side boundary into Scottsdale, and more than 70 to 90th Street.

To actually quote Shakespeare, “Enough, no more; Tis not so sweet now as it was before.” I’m looking forward to the glorious end of “sign season,” a return to sanity and a continued bright future for our town after the re-election of a proven leader, Ginny Dickey.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.