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Watts: In response to Kim Bartman’s letter


There is absolutely no doubt that I was extremely disgusted with what I perceived as a lengthy and disingenuous explanation, not an apology, offered by councilperson Kalivianakis at the June 18 town council meeting.

In my frustration, due to the lack of ability to respond to what I felt was a personal insult, I did in fact get up from where I was seated and move to the back of the council chambers where I remained. If I did mutter, not scream, something under my breath, my remark was not intended to be heard by the general public.

Regardless, I apologize to all in attendance for the behavior and any inappropriate comment, but not the emotion elicited by the councilperson’s riposte.

Editor’s note: Rick Watts is a candidate for town council. While candidates are not eligible to submit letters during the election season, they are allowed to directly respond to statements made about them in other letters. Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.