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Eternal hope


It is said that hope springs eternal. I’ve believed that my entire life, and don’t intend to stop now. Not to say you don’t work hard to make good things happen, but you have faith in the possibility of positive outcomes.

That said, our hearts are heavy. Along with the uncertainty over the pandemic, we have now witnessed a familiar yet shocking display of disregard for life…followed by demonstrations of righteous protest against injustice, infiltrated with those taking advantage of the pain and devastation, causing the governor to impose a curfew and State of Emergency.

Yet we know even as the events of the day can be overwhelming, more days will follow full of courage, love and inspiration.

Sometimes that inspiration and the above-mentioned eternal hope emerge just when needed.

Maybe you’ve had the chance to see the video posted by district teachers of third graders saying, “Happy 50th Birthday, Fountain Hills Fountain!” in their own words.

For example, while we may be tired of staying home, one student reminds us how fortunate most of us are:

“Every time we are driving home, we come across the Fountain. It is always beautiful when the sunset is happening. It makes me feel safe and sound and at home.”

We have the power to help our families, friends and neighbors feel secure and happy; that we all belong. Choose kindness as we navigate through these days seemingly dominated by the virus, unrest, fires and even the heat. Our better natures are on display if we look:

stories of drive-by birthday celebrations at senior residences; local businesses giving and receiving, extraordinary examples of generosity; graduates from kindergarten to eighth grade, high school and beyond having a once in a lifetime, creative experience as they move to their next adventure.

The League of AZ Cities and all our associates have stepped up. Elected officials are touching base. In fact, Senator Sinema holds weekly calls with mayors to hear directly from us. She has been working with the Governor’s Office, Congress, and other partners advocating for municipalities. Over recent months, her team assisted Fountain Hills citizens break through delays and access resources. (Reach out to them at casework@sinema.senate.gov if you have issues or questions.)

As a community, we are in many ways responsible for our neighbors; at least that’s the way it’s been for the nearly 37 years I’ve lived here. Whether about fire safety, business advice or how to stay healthy, please keep informed with reliable facts. Especially now, as cases of COVID-19 – and passionate voices – rise, we can help each other feel “safe and sound and at home.”

The Town of Fountain Hills is here to serve. We need to be helpful, fair and consistent, delivering transparent and reasoned leadership. Check fh.az.gov for updates. We just released information about some relief dollars for public safety on the way, and preliminary ideas for how to move forward.

I commend The Times leaders’ recent editorial, and agree with the bumper stickers all over Town that say, “Fountain Hills – Stronger Together.”