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Some claims are so implausible that they cry out to be fact-checked. Such is the case with Harry Hover’s claim in support of a ban on so-called “assault weapons” in last week’s letters (Assault Weapons, Fountain Hills Times, July 12.)

Hover wrote that in 2021, 42,939 people were killed by cars, while 48,830 people were killed by assault weapons. Mr. Hover cited the Pew Research Center as his assault rifle death source.

Hover’s car death number is correct. However, his claim that 48,830 people were killed by assault rifles is wrong, especially since only 447 homicides were committed nationwide using all types of rifles in 2021 according to the online site, Statistica. Their statistics also show that more people, 461, were killed that year using hands, fists and feet as weapons. Shall we ban or register hands?

The 48,830 number cited by Hover does come from Pew Research, but it is the total number of gun-related deaths in 2021 caused by any type of gun and it also includes suicides and accidental deaths. Suicides accounted for 54% of all those gun deaths and I doubt that if we banned all guns, those suicidal people would not have found another way to end their lives. Finally, Pew also reports that so-called “assault weapons” were involved in only 3% of firearm murders.

In closing, Pew also cites a 2019 Gallup survey in which 63% of gun owners when asked why they own a gun, answered for “personal safety and protection.” What’s wrong with that?