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Keyword: Horne

MEET THE CANDIDATES: Congressional District 1 …

​Here are responses to an Independent Newsmedia questionnaire sent to Arizona Congressional District No. 1 candidates. Incumbent Rep. David Schweikert and nine challengers will be on the …

Six Dem CD1 hopefuls united on most issues

With the six Democratic Party candidates in Arizona’s Congressional District 1 having similar views on many issues and problems, their May 15 debate was a chance to talk about their unique …

Schweikert has nine challengers in Congressional …

? ate. We’d like to invite our readers to submit their civil comments on this topic.  Email AZOpinions@iniusa.org .  Email Jason W. Brooks at jbrooks@iniusa.org

Update on Saguaro Boulevard planning

It has been nine months since voters approved an $8.2 million bond to fund the reconstruction of Saguaro Boulevard, and now the design work is roughly 60 percent complete and on track for …