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Keyword: wireless

Town Code change addresses wireless antennas in …

The Fountain Hills Town Council has approved a Town Code amendment that sets regulations for wireless communications antennas in the town rights-of-ways that are used by utility companies. While …

P&Z will review Fountain Hills telecommunications …

The Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission will hold another discussion and hearing related to a proposed telecommunications ordinance for town regulation of communications infrastructure. …

Planning and Zoning meets Monday in Fountain Hills

The Planning and Zoning Commission has included additional discussion regarding proposals for regulating wireless communications facilities in Fountain Hills on its agenda for Monday, April …

Fountain Hills P&Z has wireless ordinance on agenda

The Planning and Zoning Commission for the Town of Fountain Hills will discuss proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance related to the regulation of wireless communications installations in town. …

Fountain Hills town staff discussing wireless rules

At the direction of the mayor and council, Town of Fountain Hills staff is continuing efforts to amend the town ordinance related to the regulation of wireless facilities. The town’s stated …