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Keyword: Firewise

Brush fire hits close to Fountain Hills town center

A brush fire that broke out in Ashbrook Wash Tuesday evening, June 4, was fortunately not serious. However, it should serve as a wake-up call to residents who live adjacent to washes in Fountain …

Verde officials discuss fire danger

It’s nearly 30 years now but those in the Verde Communities who were around at the time have the weekend of the Rio Fire etched into their minds. Waiting anxiously for the possible …

Verdes volunteers help prevent wildfire

Residents of the Verdes volunteering to keep the communities safe from wildfire have had a cool environment to work with since clearing efforts began earlier this month. With a dry summer this …

Verdes Firewise Day Nov. 4

In anticipation of the upcoming Verdes Firewise Day, residents in Rio Verde and Tonto Verde are invited to prepare their information on personal efforts to reduce potential fire encroachment on their …

Fire danger a concern

California has been burning for several weeks now and the wildfires in Arizona are popping up with greater frequency and intensity as hot weather approaches with dry, windy conditions. Fountain …

Firewise efforts enhance Verde fire defense

As the summer sun begins to bake the desert the danger of wildfire continues to increase. Jeff Staples, a wildland fire boss with the Rio Verde Fire District, said conditions this year are as bad as …

Verde Communities adopt Firewise protection

It has been a tragic fire season in the west this summer with the deaths of a hotshot crew at the Yarnell Hill Fire in June and considerable property lost in that fire and in California in recent …

Verdes: Wildland fire warning

Fire season is here, typically beginning in May and ending in November. An abundance of winter precipitation has left the desert green with lush vegetation. With the arrival of the hot, dry weather …