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Keyword: scharnow

Unveiling our new website

“New and improved” is an overused cliché, but often times it’s a factual statement as well. We’re hoping you’re feeling more of the latter once checking out our revamped website at …

Mission for trails continues

I remember the day vividly, like it happened just in the past couple of weeks. It was sometime in 1991, maybe 1992, and the sound was deafening at first, making those of us in the neighborhood …

Serious scrutiny studied

I rented a movie Friday night. And felt guilty about it. I went and got some wood for my wood-burning fireplace on Saturday. Felt rather guilty about it. We went to a big fancy Scottsdale …

Declaring the 'Year of the Streets'

The current Chinese year is the “Year of the Dragon,” which ends Feb. 9, 2013. I’m proposing Town Hall host a huge New Year’s Eve bash Feb. 9 to ring in the new year. The new …

Getting through the junk

Someone sent me a “private message” the other day via e-mail. I’d share it with you, but I got distracted at the time. Oh wait. There are some hormones being shipped to me that will …

Surviving another New Year's

All the Christmas stuff is down and put away. The garage has been cleaned out and organized. The New Year’s resolution about cutting weight is already out the window. The Arizona Cardinals …