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Keyword: telecommunications

Provisions of telecommunications ordinance in Fountain …

In 2022, Fountain Hills resident Lori Troller and a couple of other citizens began expressing their concerns regarding the health effects and proliferation of telecommunications infrastructure around …

P&Z sends telecommunications ordinance to Fountain …

After nearly two years of work on an ordinance for regulating telecommunications infrastructure in Fountain Hills, the Planning and Zoning Commission has sent a version of the rules to the Town …

P&Z will review Fountain Hills telecommunications …

The Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission will hold another discussion and hearing related to a proposed telecommunications ordinance for town regulation of communications infrastructure. …

Fountain Hills Town Council rejects P&Z request for …

On a split of 4-3 the Fountain Hills Town Council has denied a request from the Planning and Zoning Commission to turn over a draft of telecommunications regulations considered confidential through …

Fountain Hills P&Z wants expert help with ordinance

The Planning and Zoning Commission wants help in developing regulations to govern telecommunications deployment in Fountain Hills. At its March 11 meeting the commission heard Development …

Fountain Hills seeks broadband rules

When the Fountain Hills Planning and Zoning Commission met earlier in January, it took the first tentative steps in discussing potential regulation for broadband communications infrastructure within …