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Culp: Friedel’s ‘Voter Guide’ is revealing


If you are a recipient of Gerry Friedel’s “Voter Guide,” take a minute to read it before depositing it in the recycling bin. Friedel’s “guide” is revealing.  

In the “guide,” Friedel repeatedly employs terms that are deceptively vague. He claims that Mayor Dickey “tolerates” sober living homes, panhandling and “homeless camping.” Friedel has voted in favor of variances for sober homes. Mayor Dickey has voted in favor of regulating sober homes and overnight camping. The panhandling ordinance failed after the council was advised that it would be deemed unconstitutional.

Friedel claims that the mayor “prefers” closed-door meetings but does not identify any instance where she violated the Open Meetings Laws or discouraged public participation. Significantly, when the MCSO contract was under consideration it was Friedel who called for a closed-door meeting.

Friedel makes the absurd claim that the mayor “ignores” P&Z recommendations when it is clear that she takes those recommendations into consideration before making a decision.

Friedel claims that Mayor Dickey “prioritizes” developers over residents. The mayor has voted against many projects, including Mountainside and Daybreak, based on neighborhood and environmental concerns. Mayor Dickey recognizes that development, consistent with the Strategic Plan, is in the interests of residents.

Friedel claims that Mayor Dickey “promotes roundabouts and pet projects” while he “prioritizes road repair and maintenance.” More money has been allocated to fixing and maintaining streets under this administration than under any prior administration.

The enhancements to public spaces, supported by a council majority, have been applauded by residents. Friedel has proudly featured these “pet projects” in his self-congratulatory campaign videos.

The “guide” reveals Friedel’s realization that his campaign is in trouble and because he lacks the vision to inspire voters, his only recourse is to disparage his opponent.   

Choose a candidate with vision: Ginny Dickey.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.