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Male: Consider a vote for Henry Male


Hello, particularly to former FHUSD students and families.

One of the most important responsibilities you possess as a U.S. citizen is your legal right to vote and your next local opportunity to exercise that right is coming up on July 30. On or before that date, if you are a registered18-year-old (or older) Fountain Hills voter, you can make your voice heard in local governance. I hope you take the time to cast your ballot.

I am very proud of all of you who grew up in our Fountain Hills classrooms and I considered it an honor to have served you and your families during those years; now another Male family member is ready to serve the community. Some of you might recall my stories about my husband, Henry Male; he was often the subject of classroom anecdotes illustrating fairness, compassion, humor and common sense and he is on the ballot to share his many excellent leadership skills as a Fountain Hills Town Council member.

Please consider this good man worthy of your vote on or before July 30. 

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.