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Mitchell: In response to Strasser’s letter about local politics


Cindy Strasser says (Sept. 12 letter) she moved to Fountain Hills “because it was like our Illinois hometown … with a mayor and aldermen who were caring, positive and worked together.”

She can’t be referring to recent Fountain Hills history.  Since I’ve moved here a decade ago, I have been disappointed by the level of discord when it comes to basic issues of municipal management.  

Ms. Strasser’s letter is representative. She decries Mayor Dickey as “negative and vengeful,” an assertion that is laughable. She appears to side with Councilmember Skillicorn, a practitioner of divisive politics unlike I have ever seen at the local government level.

Ms. Strasser says Mayor Dickey “takes no responsibility for the failure of our street system” when it is the community’s rejection of a primary property tax that leaves it with inadequate street funding. Mayor Dickey has been steadfast in her support of the streets advisory committee and its documented explanation of why new revenue is needed.

There likely will be few, if any, candidates on the November ballot where I will be in agreement with Mayor Dickey and Councilmember McMahon. Except, that is, for them. Each will have my vote. 

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.