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Price: Peggy McMahon for town council


Everyone has that very quiet friend who listens more than they speak. They take in all the information, listen to all sides, and when they finally have something to say, it is almost always

profound and meaningful.

Councilmember Peggy McMahon listens deeply. She’s "the quiet one” on our Town Council. Perhaps it’s her legal training and Juris Doctor degree, her career as an executive trust officer and licensed fiduciary, or her time as a small business owner with her husband. Either way, Peggy studies the issues, gathers the facts and makes solid decisions for the community.

Over the past year, we have come to expect a clash of voices and ideas at our town council meetings. With Peggy, there are no theatrics, just the facts. Whether it’s signage, sober homes, roundabouts or business development, Peggy speaks when she has studied the issues and sought out diverse perspectives. Known as “the voice of reason,” Peggy is the straight shooter we need on our town council to balance out, shall we say, our more colorful council members.

When leadership is called for, Peggy always steps up. We can be proud that she represents us on several important regional initiatives, including serving on the boards of directors for Valley Metro and East Valley Partnership and various Arizona League of Cities and Towns committees. Peggy’s deep concern for the welfare of others has been evident in her active involvement in the Council’s Pedestrian and Traffic Safety sub-committee, the Fountain Hills Cares Forum and the Dementia Friendly committee. 

As a leader, Peggy invests in our future and the success of Fountain Hills. She will continue to do so as she serves another term on council. Strong. Steady. Straightforward. I’ll cast my vote for Peggy McMahon for town council. I hope you will, too.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.