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Schweers: Reject chaos agents and vote blue


Trump’s absolutely bizarre and unhinged acceptance speech, which varied from talk of “the late great Hannibal Lecter” to labeling President Biden “the worst president ever” and VP Harris “dumb as a rock,” made me question what’s happening to our country and our town these days? It’s totally unacceptable when truth has no meaning and anger and fear divide us.

Could anyone ever have imagined we’d see the time when a popular candidate for the American presidency would be a twice impeached sexual abuser and 34-time convicted felon who orchestrated a violent attack on our own Capitol and did nothing as his followers chanted their desire to hang his vice president? The 14th amendment should prevent this!

We’d better decide what kind of country we really want. More anger, chaos and division where one mentally diminished felon calls all the shots, demeans our country, democracy, the rule of law and his opponents, while declaring his admiration for violent dictators? Or a country which continues moving toward full realization of the grand idea on which we were founded, that all men and women are created equal with certain inalienable rights and where no one is above the law? Democrats have plans to move forward, toward the amazing possibilities of the future instead of retreating to a past when certain groups had no rights at all. Please join us! 

Warning:  Don’t trust national or local chaos agents that distribute misinformation and incite fear of anyone other than white, straight Christians. They spread completely false claims of “migrant crime” and carnage running rampant. Reject them!

Reject Trump’s Project 2025 with its mass deportations, concentration camps and absence of any freedoms. Reject local false attacks on Mayor Ginny and moderate candidates for council. Demand the truth!

Vote blue for democracy, freedom, truth and accountability.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.