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Scott: Dickey is a tremendous local leader


Local, regional, state, and national leaders come and go. That's the product of being old. I fit the Fountain Hills demographic! Seldom do you see a person who spends their entire life representing their local community. So, I've read all the mailers and texts, seen all the ads, and even watched some videos about local leaders and what they intend to do.

I'm not swayed. You see, intentions are one thing. But actions are another. I've watched Mayer Dickey for more than three decades be a leader in this community. I remember the leadership on the FHUSD Board of Education, where she identified competent leaders and helped build our schools and their reputation. All before 2003.

I watched her as a councilperson for more than eight years helping shape our community,

solidify a vision and work with an array of other leaders to identify future wants and needs. All before 2014.

And now, after completing her sixth year as mayor, I've watched as our town's reputation has improved and we've been recognized as a safe community, we've managed our finances through thick and thin, we've successfully transitioned important staff positions and the town has grown as a regional contributor – it's a leader respected throughout the Phoenix region and state!

Trendsetters from all walks of political persuasions see Ginny Dickey for what she is, a dedicated "local" leader who has the best interests of our town at heart. For four-plus decades.

So, I must agree with Jerry Friedel when he campaigns “Maintain our quality of life. Keep Fountain Hills a special place to live.” I'm voting to re-elect Mayor Ginniy Dickey.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.