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Wolborsky: Chamber grades local candidates


The Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce recently rated the candidates for office in our town. Here is my explanation of those ratings.

The Chamber supports business, but what does that mean here? Does it support the restauranteur? A little, but not really. Does it support the small merchant? Some, but not really. We have no Fortune 500 companies, no large manufacturers or major industries headquartered in Fountain Hills, so who does the Chamber really represent? What is by far the biggest business in Fountain Hills? No question, it is the real estate business and that is who the Chamber totally supports.

The Chamber has never met a real estate project they didn’t like, from Daybreak to high density apartments in the Target Plaza and with no regard for compatibility with Fountain Hills lifestyle or beauty. They are the Chamber of Commerce, not the Chamber of Residents or the Chamber of Homeowners.

So, if you love Fountain Hills the way I do, here is a simple way to pick your candidates. Start at the bottom of the Chamber’s ratings because those are the people who value lifestyle more than unbridled development.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.