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I have some basic questions concerning this amnesty bill disguised as reform. What happens to those illegals who qualify but choose not to register because they want to stay off the radar and continue to work off the books feeling comfortable and safe under the current status quo?

Will they continue to enjoy Obama’s hands-off policy or will they be deported? Same question for the illegals who don’t qualify and ditto for the new arrivals who continue to come across our not-so-secure border during and after this bill is implemented. Will they all be deported or will we now have four groups of illegals living in this country?

How will the taxes and fines be calculated and will they be collected prior to the legalization process? Will learning English be required prior to the legalization process or will they be allowed to take courses later on at the taxpayers’ expense?

Does anyone honestly believe that this government has the expertise or even any intention of monitoring and enforcing this bill, especially with Obama, Holder and Janet running the show? Does anyone suspect that Obama might issue an executive order waiving the taxes and fines and some of the restrictions prior to the 2014 elections to further his political agenda because “That’s The Right Thing To Do?”

How about a clause in bill making it exempt from any presidential executive order? Better yet, how about a directive in this bill stating that any official who refuses to enforce this bill or any of our immigration laws will be charged with obstruction of justice, fined and be required to serve a mandatory one-year sentence in prison and immediate removal from office including the DOJ, DHS and the presidency?

Without that clause and some kind of directive guarantying enforcement, they should just tear up this bill and move on to another dog and pony show.