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Thomson: Make elections fair, vote for Proposition 140


Almost 600,000 Arizona voters signed the petitions putting the “Make Elections Fair Act,” a Constitutional Amendment, on our November ballot. 

In Arizona, 25 out of 30 legislative districts are so dominated by one party that winning the primary all but guarantees victory in the general election. The result: 

  1. A small group of primary voters decides 83% of our political races. Traditionally, 100% of primary election decisions are made by 20% of the voters in the Republican primary and 15% of the voters in the Democratic Primary. The Make Elections Fair Act opens up primaries giving all voters the freedom to vote in every election for the candidate they consider to be the best.
  2. Too many seats go unopposed in our general elections. The Make Elections Fair Act makes general election races more competitive by giving independent and moderate voters more of a voice.

Presently, different rules apply to party candidates and independent candidates. The Make Elections Fair Act requires all candidates to compete under the same rules, eliminating the requirements for independent candidates to gather six times the signatures to qualify for the ballot. “That’s Not Equal. That’s not Freedom,” said Terry Goddard, former Arizona Attorney General and Mayor of Phoenix.

Former United State Senator Dennis DeConcini says that “…increased competition will lead to better ideas and solutions, benefitting Arizona.”

The Make Elections Fair Act will enable every voter to vote in any election. This encourages candidates to be responsive to all constituents and combats the politics of division and incentivizes candidates to prioritize the issues we agree on, which builds consensus for action.

Please join me in supporting the Make Elections Fair Act, Proposition 140.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.