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Schanus-Gohl: We can vote for collaboration over confrontation


Time flies, and sometimes memories fade. But I remember Jan. 30, 2024. That was the day that Mayor Ginny Dickey, in her State of the Town, clearly defined 2024.

 She was succinct about the progress of 2023. But it was her answer to what was the current state of the town that caught my attention: “We’re at a crossroads.”

It struck me brave, prophetic and clarifying. Since late 2022, when a new Council was sworn in, things changed. Some new council members have been obstructive, argumentative, passive-aggressive, rude and for the first time in my memory, contentious. As time has gone on, it’s clear that our town is, in fact, approaching a crossroads.

Now, in the middle of an election to fill the seat of mayor and three councilpersons, the behaviors of some on the dais and the supporters of candidates still seeking seats have lived up to Mayor Dickey’s summation. Our town is at an elected-leader crossroads.

We can choose more of what’s transpired the last two years, or we can choose those willing to lead with humility, do their homework and consider what’s best for the community by thinking on their own.

At the close of the FHCCA/Chamber Candidate Forum, Mayor Dickey asked, “…are we content with our median age edging up, embracing that identity, or do we want to welcome again a multigenerational populace and what that looks like? I have been leading a town with high property values, residential infill, new and expanded businesses, an ER, more activities than ever, award-winning parks, and … a very safe community. I’m excited to continue our progress…”

We can vote for collaboration over confrontation; being reasonable over irrational; choosing progress over decline. Mayor Dickey is the right choice for Fountain Hills.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.