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Keyword: board

Board members reject ESA vouchers in Fountain Hills

At the Fountain Hills Unified School District (FHUSD) governing board meeting Aug. 27, ESA vouchers were a hot topic. Before discussing vouchers, however, the board kicked things off with …

Rio Verde Community Association has board vacancy

The Rio Verde Community Association (RVCA) has a vacancy on its board of directors and is reaching out to residents interested in serving on the board. The current vacancy is to serve the …

Fountain Hills Democrats meet Sept. 12

The Fountain Hills Democratic Club (FHDC) resumes regular monthly meetings at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, at the Fountain Hills Community Center. FHDC will host two candidates for Arizona …

Fountain Hills governing board offers SPED contract to …

Fountain Hills Unified School District (FHUSD) had to go back to the drawing board to cover a hard-to-fill position for a local special education teacher. At the Aug. 7 meeting, members voted to …

School board meets tonight in Fountain Hills

The Fountain Hills Unified School District Governing Board has a busy agenda set for Wednesday evening, Aug. 7, boasting many housekeeping items to kick off the new school year and catch up following …

Fountain Hills Republicans meet Aug. 17

The Fountain Hills Republican Club (FHRC) will meet at the Fountain Hills Community Center Saturday, Aug. 17, at 9 a.m. when two Fountain Hills School Board candidates will present their cases as to …

Fountain Hills candidates file petitions for school …

There are three seats up for election on the Fountain Hills Unified School District (FHUSD) Governing Board this November. FHUSD Board President Jill Reed has announced she will not seek …

Fountain Hills approves proposed school budget

The Fountain Hills Unified School District (FHUSD) governing board approved the proposed budget for fiscal year 2025 on Tuesday, June 18. Tyler Moore, a financial consultant with True …

Fountain Hills school board discusses science aid and …

The Fountain Hills Unified School District (FHUSD) Governing Board met for the next to last time June 5. The board will meet one more time this summer on Tuesday, June 18. At the June 5 …

Four Peaks Women’s Club in Fountain Hills installs …

Four Peaks Women’s Club installed new officers and board members at its May 8 meeting at the home of Linda Kester who installed the new board. Joyce Stehlik is the incoming club president, …

Fountain Hills school board begins Four Peaks sale …

The Fountain Hill Unified School District (FHUSD) Governing Board reinstated the Facilities Use Committee with a goal to move forward the sale of the former Four Peaks Elementary School property this …

Fountain Hills school board discusses ESA athletes

The Fountain Hills Unified School District (FHUSD) governing school board on Wednesday, May 1, discussed allowing Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) students to participate in Fountain Hills High …